Experimenting Implementers

Experimenting Implementers provide a moderate amount of funding as well as complementary business and technical research towards the experimental development and deployment of an Internet of Rules in their respective contexts.

Experimenting Implementers make a CAD$10,000 annual contribution, and they also arrange for an equivalent in-kind commitment to joint research and development.

As tentative members of Xalgorithms Alliance, Experimenting Implementers collaborate to explore the potential of algorithmic commerce in which buyers and sellers can trade goods and services at prices and on terms they understand and agree to, and wherein anyone can publish algorithms to the Internet in a open standard way.

Experimenting Implementers can be invited by the Board to attend or speak at meetings of members, but they do not vote, and generally do not receive notice of or attend such meetings.

Experimenting Implementers making outstanding contributions to the mission may be invited to participate on the Board of Directors of the not-for-profit Xalgorithms Foundation.

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