Pattern-Driven Coordination

Coordination requires the left hand to know what the right hand is doing. The following stories illustrate how Lichen will enhance service-delivery coordination with pattern-recognition algorithms.

What the Sales Data Tells Us:
Once it’s launched, Lichen can be used to generate leading Indicators for coordination.

Georgina manages a two-year pilot project for the whole metropolitan area in which pharmacies using Lichen can voluntarily and confidentially supply to the regional health authority certain data from their sales of over-the-counter and prescription medical supplies, and where hospitals and clinics using Lichen also provide high-level data about admissions. Her team is attempting to identify any sales-data patterns that could potentially serve as consistent leading indicators of demand upon medical staff and resources in hospitals and clinics. If increases or decreases in demand for in-person services can be consistently anticipated by a few days, these patterns could be represented in a set of rules. Based on real-time pharmacy sales, Lichen could then generate staffing-level advisories for coordination amongst HR managers and health care workers at regional hospitals and clinics.

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